Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0. Please fix project properties.

In our Android mobile development class we constantly work on projects as a class and then Dr. Liddle sends us the updated zip containing the project to review after our in-class additions.  For some reason today I'm having some issues importing the Android project into Eclipse.  Problems and fixes below. Problem #1: Android requires .class compatibility set to 5.0. Please fix project properties.

Solution: 1. Fix project: Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> "Android Tools" -> "Fix Project Properties" 2. Restart Eclipse: "File" -> "Restart"

Problem #2: The following error appears many times The method xyz() of type ABC must override a superclass method

Solution: Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> "Properties" -> "Java Compiler" -> "Compiler Compliance Level" = 1.6

Problem #3: The import cannot be resolved

Solution: Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> “Properties” -> "Android" -> "Project Build Target" = 2.3.3

Note: Also try Clean (On Windows: Project -> Clean) then Refresh (F5) at random.  There's a good chance this will magically solve all your problems.